Out with 2010, in with 2011

And the Christmas tree came down.
This task makes the end of the year so final to me. We used to remove decorations on Jan. 1, but that seemed depressing....not a way to celebrate a new year and all the promises that go with it. So now we take down the decorations on Jan. 2, and I still feel like I should procrastinate it for another week.
But, taking the tree down gave me time to reflect on things I'm happy to have accomplished in 2010, and things I want to do in 2011. These aren't resolutions, exactly, but mostly self-improvement items, things that I hope will make life better.
What's on your to-do list in 2011? Here's some of mine, in no particular order:
1. Run a half-marathon. Training begins mid-January!
2. Remember that running a boutique hair bow and pattern/instruction/tutorial business is like training for and running a marathon (or a half marathon, for me). Progress doesn't need to happen fast to HAPPEN.
3. Along those lines, continue to improve my business and introduce exciting, original boutique products and instructions.
4. Be a more faithful accountant. I tend to leave my paperwork until it HAS to be done, and then it take for-evah!
5. Be more patient with my kids and husband. I usually have a mental list of things I need to accomplish, and WOE be the person (husband, child, random telephone caller) who gets in the way.
6. Evaluate my volunteer positions. Two positions I'm holding are "up" in 2011, so I need to decide whether to continue, try something new, or simply take a break. I always feel the urge to volunteer but realize I only have so much time with a business and a family!
7. Continue eating 5 fruits and veggies a day. Seriously, this has to be a conscious effort for me, even though I don't mind eating them!
I think these are do-able. Well, maybe all but No. 4. Maybe I can hire my husband to do the accounting for me. Final resolution: Remember that I don't need to do everything by myself! :)
Happy New Year to all my fabulous readers and customers who made 2010 a fantastic year for me. Best wishes to you!
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