A Little Tommy Girl
Big news in my house....my first baby, Anna, is growing up -- and getting glasses. We selected frames together on Wednesday, and I fully expected her to choose the pink frames with "I (heart) Troy" on the inside of the ear piece, but she liked a pair of royal blue Tommy Hilfiger glasses. They have flexible frames, which I liked.
Later, however, she had buyer's remorse. She wanted to know if I could go back and re-order the pink ones instead. Too late, though. (She's already planning for her next pair to be pink, though). She may get these just in time for her 7th birthday next week. She has mixed feelings, so we'll see how her first few weeks go.

In "boutique world," you have to see this fabulous Easter outfit by popular eBay seller maddie*kate. We work together frequently, and I made a pair of bows to match the outfit. I always get the warm fuzzies when I look at her daughter, and then I realized: She looks a little bit like an older version my younger daughter, Natalia. What do you think?
They do look alike!
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