Hair bow design challenge - After the Rain

Happy Spring! This is my favorite season, and I thought it would be a fun time to launch Birdsong's first Design Challenge!
The theme for this first challenge is "After the Rain." You may make a boutique bow or bow set, a headband, a bowband, a funky loopy bow -- basically, anything out of ribbon -- following this theme. What comes after the rain? Sun? Flowers? New life? Blue skies? Use your imagination!
E-mail your best photograph of your finished product (either on a model or not) to me at deanna [at] by 3 a.m. Pacific time (midnight Eastern) on Tuesday, March 29 (so, basically before you go to bed next Monday night). Please keep your photos around 600 pixels wide, so that they're neither too big nor too small. No more than one entry/photo per contestant, please. I'll post the photos and a poll, and anyone can vote for the winner! If you're on Flickr, feel free to post a photo to the Birdsong Flickr Photo Group as well, for all to see!
The prize: A selection of new ribbons and notions, valued around $15, plus a free tutorial of your choice from Birdsong Bows and Patterns.

Good luck, and most of all, have fun. I can't wait to see what all of you fantastic bow designers will create by next week!
Photos by A Hope and A Wish Photography and Peekaboo Photos
Beautiful bows! Cute models as well :-) I love spring as well!
Your designs are so cute! I love this one! :D You are absolutely talented!
Thank you!! :)
I emailed you a photo and added it to the flickr group
ack, I emailed you a photo but after I sent it I realized it was undoubtedly too big. Sorry! Normally I use programs that automatically resize my images for me so I didn't even think about it!
I e-mailed my photo, hopefully you received it!!!
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