Hand-tied tutu instructions, sneaked in at the end of 2010

I saw the end of 2010, with my husband off work, as a perfect time to finish up another tutorial. This tutorial offers tutu instructions - how to make a tutu that's simple, hand-tied, and gorgeous! It's so much easier to work when my husband is home to keep an eye on the kids. Plus, this time, he helped me put the tutorial together, and even helped shoot the photos (I figured out the camera settings, stuck my hands in the light studio, and he pressed the button). I knew I'd never be able to find a hand model willing to work between Christmas and New Year's, LOL! I might be one of the few crazy gals who saw the holiday break as a chance for quality work time.
Meanwhile, I'm sure you've noticed, but the banner on my website went MIA on Cyber Monday. The gal who designed my website back in 2007 is involved with other pursuits, and has been unable to help retrieve the banner. So I've hired another banner designer, Dreamlike Magic, to make a new one for me. She does fantastic work, and the banner should be unveiled shortly after the new year.
I'm taking this experience as a lesson - when you have custom graphics made, be sure to get the originals and file them on your own computer for future use. People's businesses and lives change, so it's best to keep yourself as organized as possible. A New Year's resolution for me, I suppose!
Enjoy a safe New Year's Eve celebration, and I look forward to sharing more free hair bow instructions and other tutorials on here in 2011!