Thinking Spring!

This headband is newly listed in my Etsy store. I just love the spring's an Anne Mitchell print. I use quilt-quality fabric in all of my headbands to make sure they remain durable! This headband fits from age 4-adult. I'm going to make one for myself, too!
Natalia looked so cute on Saturday while she played with her toys. She really loves playing. I know that sounds weird to say, but Anna never stayed engaged with toys for too long. She loved books (and still does; she's a phenomenal reader), but to play with a dollhouse or something else has never been her "thing." It's amazing how different two children can be! Anyway, here's a picture of Natalia looking oh-so-sweet. I'm dreaming of a new camera so I can improve my photography! I'm struggling with changing my depth-of-field in my point-and-shoot. :) If you have camera suggestions, feel free to post 'em!

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