Making time as a WAHM
Running a business from home AND being chief play-date captain, head chef, chauffeur, and boo-boo fixer has proven tough. I spend the first half of the day mostly working, but it's not quite the same as when the kids are in school. And when the weekend hits, well...let's just say I insisted my husband take the girls to the pool today so I could get a little work-time in. Let's face it: It's work-time, me-time. My husband comes home from work. I stay at work, all day!
One of my "jobs" lately has been to help my 10-year-old daughter with her 4-H sewing project. We purchased the PDF pattern from Tie Dye Diva, and it was a little challenging for my daughter, but not too much so. My daughter attended sewing classes with the 4-H team leader, and I "filled in" at home. She'll turn the shorts in this week and find out what place she'll receive.

My girls have an interesting perspective on work, since they see me doing it (and I often need to remind them, "I'm working now! I'll play later!") My 5-year-old is a bit too young to understand -- at her kindergarten entrance evaluation, the teacher asked her where her dad worked. She simply said, "At work!" The teacher then asked where her mom worked. She said, "At the table!" LOL!
And my older daughter, who made the shorts, talks during every sewing session about how she's going to open an Etsy shop and sell clothes and bows and pictures she draws. She'll need a bit of practice, but I have to appreciate that she's a self-starter. Love the entrepreneurial spirit.
On tap for this week? Two doctor's appointments, one 4-H project drop-off, chauffering back and forth to "zoo camp" for one of the girls, being a judge for a local newsletter contest, working on my business, and doing some fun things with the kids, which includes spending some time at the fair. I should sleep well!
If you work from home, how do you balance it? I'd love to hear from you!
Labels: parenting, work-life balance