I don't know about where you live, but weather here in northern Indiana has NOT been pleasant. Prayers go out to my friends and customers in the South, who have struggled with severe weather as well. I hope everyone has managed to stay safe.
Meanwhile, we're all sort of "under the weather" here....guess it's the general February blahs. But it definitely has me thinking about spring. You have to look at this outfit by my friend Angie of simply*sophia. We've actually met in "real life!" I can't say that about any of my other boutique friends (yet). This outfit is so yummy and spring-like!

Have you checked out my post just two posts down from here? FREE 3-inch Anna-style hair bows up for grabs!!! Just give me the name of a "band" if you were to start one with a group of friends who have your same interest/hobby. I'll choose my fave on Feb. 15.
This is off-topic but I also wanted to take a moment to mention something that has deeply bothered me this week. I don't know if you've read or heard about the five women killed in the "robbery attempt" at Lane Bryant near Chicago, but one of the women was from South Bend, Indiana (my area), just visiting the store while her husband attended a work-related function nearby. She left behind her husband and three children, the youngest being under a year old. Jennifer Bishop, 34, was a loving mom and an intensive care nurse. I didn't know her, but some of her extended family attend my church and our parish/school community is deeply saddened. As I've gone about life this week....bad weather, sick children, misbehaving children (!) the beginnings of a cold myself.....those little irritations we all have...I keep thinking how fortunate I am, and how her life was taken away in an instant at the hands of a violent, selfish person. If you have a moment, say a prayer for Jennifer's family and the families of the other women killed and injured; I know that I am.